Blood Fruit

Blood Fruit
TBC80 min

Director: Sinead O'Brien Starring: Released:Thu 02 May 2024


The Galway Council of Trade Unions presents a special screening of Blood Fruit as part of Trade Union Week.

Almost forty years after the introdcution of apartheid in South Africa, Mary Manning, a 21-year old checkout girl at Dunnes Stores in Henry Street in Dublin, refused to register the sale of two Outspan grapefruits under a directive from her union in support of the anti-apartheid struggle. She and ten other workers who supported her action were suspended with immediate effect and so a strike ensued. Mary and her colleagues knew little or nothing about apartheid and assumed it would be a matter of days before they could return to work but the arrival on the picket line of Nimrod Sejake changed everything. His influence on the strikers and their struggle to bring about change proved to be the central turning point in their motivation for not only continuing the strike but advancing it on to the international stage. Proceeds from the ticket sales for this screening will be donated to UNRWA.