In James Cameron's dystopian Terminator franchise, on August 29th 1997, Skynet became self aware and decided all humanity was a threat to its existence and launched a nuclear attack bringing on a war of humans vs machines and the day came to be known as Judgement Day. While chatgpt isn't quite ready to blow us all up yet, we thought a Terminator double-bill might be a good way to remind us all to say thank you next time we ask Siri to set an alarm and to usher in our upcoming A.I. season next month!
In THE TERMINATOR, Arnold Schwarzenegger plays the titular T-800 cyborg assassin who is sent back in time to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor, whose unborn son John is the key to humanity's survival. Kyle Reese, a solider from the human resistance, is also sent back to protect Sarah. And in TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY, The Terminator is reprogrammed and sent back to 1995 to protect Sarah and the now-teenaged John Connors from the highly advanced, highly deadly T-1000 sent by Skynet.
Both THE TERMINATOR and TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY will screen in Light House and Pálás on Judgement Day, August 29.